SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift
SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift is a fan-made ROM hack of Super Mario 64, featuring updated graphics and unique gameplay elements inspired by the classic title.
SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift Controls
To play SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift, you'll use standard Nintendo 64 controls:
- Analog Stick: Move Mario
- A Button: Jump
- B Button: Punch, grab objects
- Z Button: Crouch, perform backflip
- C Buttons: Control camera
- R Button: Adjust camera angle
This version includes face customization features, allowing players to manipulate Mario's facial features as part of the game.
SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift FAQs
Q: Is SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift officially released by Nintendo?
No, it is a fan-made project and not an official Nintendo release. -
Q: Do I need an emulator to play SM64 Mario Gets A Face Lift?
Yes, you'll need an N64 emulator to play the ROM hack. -
Q: Are there any special requirements to play the game?
A compatible emulator and a copy of the original game ROM are necessary. -
Q: Can I play this game on console?
It is primarily designed for play on emulators; console play would require additional equipment and modification.
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