
Absolute War 1936

Absolute War 1936 is a strategy simulation game set in the backdrop of the global tensions leading to World War II, where players assume control of a nation in 1936 and navigate through complex geopolitical scenarios to alter historical events.

PC / Mobile
Release Date:
Updated Date:

Detailed Gameplay and Controls

Game Overview:

  • Players choose a nation from the year 1936.
  • Objective: Manage wartime strategies, diplomacy, and resources to influence the outcome of global conflict.

Core Gameplay Mechanics:

  • Resource Management: Allocate resources to military, technological, and internal development.
  • Diplomacy: Form alliances, negotiate treaties, and influence geopolitical landscapes.
  • Military Strategy: Deploy troops, design military tactics and conduct battles.


  • Navigation: Use Arrow keys or WASD for map movement.
  • Selection: Left-click to select units or territories.
  • Action Commands: Right-click to issue commands related to movement, attack, or diplomacy.


  • Main Menu: Access settings, save/load game options.
  • HUD: Displays resource levels, diplomatic status, and military strength.

Difficulty Levels:

  • Choose various levels of difficulty affecting AI strategies and resource availability.

Absolute War 1936 FAQs

Q: What platforms is Absolute War 1936 available on?

  • A: It is available on PC and Mac.

Q: Is there a multiplayer mode?

  • A: Yes, the game features both online and local multiplayer options.

Q: Can I mod the game?

  • A: Yes, the game supports a variety of mods.

Q: How often is the game updated?

  • A: Updates typically occur every few months, with major patches quarterly.

Support Languages

Supported Languages include English, French, German, Russian, and Spanish.